

《无名大师》由实力派演员斯特凡·索克,佩尔蒂·斯维霍姆,皮霍·朗卡,海奇·诺西艾南主演,是一部2018年上映的芬兰语电影,制片地区是芬兰,导演克劳斯·哈洛把整片的节奏把握的很好,演员们的面部表情生动,演技惊艳,故事主要讲述An elderly art dealer Olavi (72) is about to retire. A man who has always put business and art before everything - even his family - cannot imagine life without work. At an auction, an old painting catches his attention. Olavi suspects it is worth much more than its starting price, which is low because its authenticity hasn't been confirmed. Olavi's instincts kick in. He decides to make one last deal in order to earn some proper pension money. At the same time, Olavi's daughter Lea (42) - whom he hasn't seen for years - asks him to help her with his teenage grandson Otto (15). Together with Otto, Olavi starts to investigate the background of the painting. They find out that the painting is called Christ and was painted by Ilya Repin. Olavi manages to buy the painting, but when the auction house realizes that there has been a mistake with the original pricing, they turn against him. To fulfill his dream, the old dealer must face both the auction house and his own past mistakes摄影极美。简洁、冷峻、克制,仿佛和我头脑中对于芬兰这个国家的认知差不多。故事的主线设定表面看起来颇有几分老套,然而暗地里却把人生和艺术两条线重叠了起来。人生也好,艺术也罢,它们无不都是价格和情感的混合物。前者占据了我们生前的大部分时间,同时也是绝大部分人和艺术作品接受旁人评价的首要标尺。但只有后者,才是在短暂的——无论是作为艺术家,还是普通人的——人生走到尽头之后,能够长久留存下来并证明我们曾经鲜活地存在过... 简洁、冷峻、克制,仿佛和我头脑中对于芬兰这个国家的认知差不多。故事的主线设定表面看起来颇有几分老套,然而暗地里却把人生和艺术两条线重叠了起来。人生也好,艺术也罢,它们无不都是价格和情感的混合物。前者占据了我们生前的大部分时间,同时也是绝大部分人和艺术作品接受旁人评价的首要标尺。但只有后者,才是在短暂的——无论是作为艺术家,还是普通人的——人生走到尽头之后,能够长久留存下来并证明我们曾经鲜活地存在过的唯一痕迹。。没有太多惊心动魄,也没有好莱坞电影的套路,但是故事还挺有意思。只是,这种人生,到底是为了发财,还是干出点大事?但是,一副名作,或者好东西,曾经拥有,是一种怎样的骄傲啊!可能越来越痴迷,越来越执着。人这一辈子总是有顾此失彼,总会留着遗憾,不是愧对了家人,就是后悔错失了良机。。will always enjoy a grumpy-old-man drama — that is, until I become one...。艺术品投资致富有多难的残酷例证

