

《对面的恶女看过来》由实力派演员朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯,希斯·莱杰,约瑟夫·高登-莱维特,大卫·克朗姆霍茨,安德鲁·凯加,拉丽莎·奥蕾尼克主演,是一部1999年上映的英语电影,制片地区是美国,导演吉尔·约格尔把整片的节奏把握的很好,演员们的面部表情生动,演技惊艳,故事主要讲述比安卡(LarisaOleynik饰)是全校公认的甜心宝贝,可事实上,她甚至未有过一次约会——比安卡的老爸对女儿的管教极尽苛刻,男生们只能对她望而却步。在女儿的不断抗议下,老爸终于做了“让步”,他声明,比安卡可以约会,只要她的姐姐凯特(JuliaStiles饰)也去。听到这个消息,暗恋比安卡的喀麦隆(JosephGordon-Levitt饰)决心无论如何都要找到能和凯特约会的人。千挑万选之下,他找到派特里克(HeathLedger饰)帮忙。凯特可是人人眼中的怪物啊,仿佛愤世嫉俗般,对任何人和事都有一股不满的情绪。要让约会顺利进行,这是前所未有的挑战,还是一个不可能的任务?这世上最哀伤的事情,莫过于你花痴了一个已经不存在的明星。。I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.   I hate the way you drive my car.   I hate it when you stare.   I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. ... I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.   I hate the way you drive my car.   I hate it when you stare.   I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.   I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me。还是以前的青春片好看啊。人物和情节都蛮普通,几次转折也不是很自然,但还是有很多抓人的点。希斯莱杰的气场真是压倒一切,茱莉亚斯蒂尔斯也很好,一首歌几行诗居然被他俩演绎得如此动人。囧瑟夫嫩得一塌糊涂……。I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate you so mu... I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate you so much,it makes me sick,it even makes me rhyme. I hate it... I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you make me laugh,even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around and the fact that you didn't call. I hate it when you lie. But mostly,I hate the way I don't hate you,not even close,not even a little bit,not even at all. 想念Heath...

