

《今夜林中无人入睡》由实力派演员Gasiewska,米洛斯拉夫·兹布罗邹维奇,茱莉亚·维尼瓦-纳基维奇,Wiktoria主演,是一部2020年上映的波兰语电影,制片地区是波兰,导演Bartosz,M.,Kowalski把整片的节奏把握的很好,演员们的面部表情生动,演技惊艳,故事主要讲述The film delves deeper into the realm of fear, thrills and cruelty. “Oh, the horror!” is probably what a group of smartphone-addicted teenagers think when they are sent to an “offline camp”. Instead of browsing and scrolling, they walk around the woods and chat – using their tongues rather than their thumbs. Soon, dread and terror rear their ugly heads when the group is faced with a killer who starts picking them off one by one.我算是整明白了 书呆子屁都没有 漂亮妹子全被小混混干了 生了儿子之后他要是死读书我就把他腿打断。补爪~为啥我能坚持看完呢…。殺戮不夠爽快,自黑也無力。。美式血浆片的粗略模仿,各种元素的提取还算充足,但明显导演经验有限,结合在一起以后显得影片节奏比较滞涩。。看笑了


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