
别名:Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut


主演:吉恩·哈克曼 克里斯托弗·里夫 马龙·白兰度 尼德·巴蒂 杰基·库珀 莎拉·道格拉斯

发音:英语英国 美国




《超人2:理查德·唐纳剪辑版》由实力派演员马龙·白兰度,克里斯托弗·里夫,尼德·巴蒂,莎拉·道格拉斯,吉恩·哈克曼,杰基·库珀主演,是一部2006年上映的英语电影,制片地区是英国 / 美国,导演理查德·唐纳,理查德·莱斯特把整片的节奏把握的很好,演员们的面部表情生动,演技惊艳,故事主要讲述Before Krypton exploded and Jor-El put his baby son, Kal-El, in a rocket ship to Earth, the benevolent ruler was forced to banish three irredeemable criminals to another dimension called The Phantom Zone. The trio's leader, General Zod, vowed revenge. Later, of course, Kal-El grew up to become Superman, Earth's mighty champion. A battle with the criminal mastermind, Lex Luthor, ends with Superman hurling a nuclear warhead into space where it explodes, but not harmlessly. Instead, it frees the Kryptonian threesome from their other-dimensional prison. They soon discover they have almost unlimited power (the same powers, in fact, as Superman), which they use to take over the Earth. Meanwhile, the intrepid reporter, Lois Lane, learns that her bumbling colleague, Clark Kent, is really Superman, a revelation that leads to him bringing her to his frozen Fortress of Solitude and renouncing his powers in order to make love to her. It is only when Superman and Lois return to civilization that they learn of the three Kryptonians and how Lex Luthor has joined forces with them. Now, Superman must reverse the irreversible and regain his powers in order to save mankind.放在当年,重要程度肯定不输如今的正联Snyder Cut。看完以后可以说,莱斯特的原始剧场版真的是完全不懂唐纳的意图。白兰度的戏份被加了回去,剧场版不合理的地方获得了解释。在删除了巴黎核弹这种莫名场景后,唐纳最终将爱情线挑了出来,放在了最重要的位置,是第一集风格的完美延续。上帝之子为了人间的爱情,放弃了自己的使命,简直是一部通俗版的《基督最后的诱惑》。。在扎导正联之前 这是DC史上第一次因为华纳临时换导演后引起粉丝不满 产生舆论压力而释出的导剪版本 我1980年和2006年两个版本都看了 画风 格调其实蛮统一的 主要在一些具体情节 逻辑顺序方面做出调整 比如lois猜clark kent以及马龙白兰度官司风波 这版的佐德将军真的好傲娇 执着于让人跪下哈哈哈以及超人丧失一段时间能力。和院线版各有千秋,节奏更紧凑,强调了克拉克作为超人的责任,以及作为凡人对于这种责任的负担感,整体也更深刻,有趣的是最后把佐德三人复活了,反而更合家欢的院线版里没复活;而院线版里反派三人组的闲笔更多,性格更丰富,个人更喜欢院线版了,不过影迷能在28年后看到导剪版,难得。里夫超无法超越!。露易丝验证克拉克身份,白兰度戏份都有区别,跟原片相比水平差不多吧,看起来挺有意思。



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